Here you will find the CCRs of the neighborhoodThere are a total of 9 Phases. Be sure to check the address to ensure you are reading the correct CC&Rs. Click on each CC&R to access the document.
Here you will find the CCRs of the neighborhoodThere are a total of 9 Phases. Be sure to check the address to ensure you are reading the correct CC&R's. Click on each CC&R to access the document.

There are a total of 9 Phases. Be sure to check the address to ensure you are reading the correct CC&R's . Click on each CC&R to access the document.

Covenants Restrictions and Conditions

Homeowners are responsible for complying with all CC&Rs, however, below are a few to be aware of:

Proper Waste Maintenance.  Receptacles for storage of trash, garbage, recyclables, and compost shall be removed from the street within twenty-four (24) hours of trash pick-up and stored out of view from the street or neighboring properties.

Parking Restrictions.  No working or commercial vehicles of ¾ ton or greater, camper, motor home, boats, trailers, motorcycles, truck-campers, and lie equipment or junk cars or other unsightly vehicles shall be allowed on the property or public ways adjacent thereto for longer than twenty-four (24) hours or extended periods of time, except within an enclosed garage.

No vehicle shall be allowed to park on public roadways for longer than twenty-four (24) hours, or extended periods of time each day.

Animal Restrictions.  Dogs shall not be allowed to run at large.  Please keep dogs on a leash at all times while not on your property.  There are no “dogs off-leash” areas in the Quail Ridge neighborhood. 

Parking.  Please note the parking signs at the end of the cul-de-sac of Quail Hollow Court.  There are parking restrictions such that vehicles may not be parked at the end of that cul-de-sac.  These signs have been installed by ACHD and are necessary to keep the cul-de-sac clear so the Fire Department may conduct their drills without impediment and to ensure emergency vehicles are not blocked.  Please observe the parking signs and park accordingly.

Thank you for your attention to these matters.  If you have any questions, please contact the QRNA Board here:

Welcome to Quail Ridge!

The 2024 presidential elections are approaching soon. Please use the link directly below to view the current political sign placement regulations for our neighborhood. Thank you!


The HOA sees the importance of giving owners the ability to express their political support. Creating a political signage policy helps the HOA maintain peace by establishing limits and boundaries without stifling political expression. As a governing body, we wish to make it clear, these rules are intended to follow both State and HOA policy. We have no collective interest in who you are voting for, what issues matter to you nor does this governing body seek to "target" any one political party, candidate or issue. So before you have your lawyer send us "threatening" emails (yes this is happening) or tell us how "deep your pockets are" and my favorite, how the HOA is limiting speech both under the U.S. Constitution and Idaho law, please know the enforcement of this policy is applied to all homeowners equitably. We have full time jobs, families to take care of and our own personal lives, we are not worried about who and what you are voting for. 

So, let's level set: 

In each and EVERY subdivision, reference to Article VI, Section 16; Sign Restrictions, clearly states:
"Section 17. Sign Restrictions. Unless written approval is first obtained from the Committee, no sign of any kind shall be displayed to public view on any building or building site on said property except the following: One professional sign of not more than five square feet advertising the property for sale, or signs used by the developer to advertise the property during the construction and sales period. If a property is sold, any sign relating thereto shall be removed immediately. The names of resident Owners of Building Sites may be displayed on a name and address plaque or sign if approval thereof is first obtained from the committee."

Exception in compliance with TITLE 55, PROPERTY IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 32, HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION ACT, 55-3209. POLITICAL SIGNS - grants the HOA the authority to establish a "QRNA POLITICAL SIGNS REGULATION." This policy states:

1) A homeowner may display a maximum of four (4) signs total:

a) A sign for a “Candidate” with no more than any two (2) of the following combinations:

i) City candidate on an official ballot
ii) State candidate on an official ballot

iii) Federal candidate on an official ballot

b) Proposition or Measure with no more than two total

2) Maximum size of 24” by 18”

3) Location: minimum five feet from public sidewalk

4) Nature of sign – free-standing display (on posts or stakes). No offensive or demeaning language. Must represent a direct candidate or position on a ballot.

5) Timing – posting no more than 30 days prior to election with removal seven days after the election.

6) Political signs may be displayed for any official, City, State, Federal election for any candidate or proposition. This includes general elections and special elections.

Any sign, for a candidate, issue or measure, even those with religious messaging would apply to  Article VI, Section 16; Sign Restrictions and the QRNA POLITICAL SIGNS REGULATION. Signs outside of the permitted QRNA POLITICAL SIGNS REGULATION, an undesirable use of property under our CC&Rs which you can access here: Quail Ridge - CC&Rs, Bylaws, ACC (

We appreciate your compliance with the policy. Any deviation of adherence to the "QRNA POLITICAL SIGNS REGULATION" will result in a Notice of CC&R Violations and Hearing Date will be issued where fines will include an initial fine of $225.00 plus $20.00/day each day the sign remains visible from the street, sidewalk, or neighboring property, retroactive to date of notice.

We know many of you are excited and eager to express yourself and your views, but let's not be too eager that we display a lack of respect for others. Remember, respect for others is an essential underpinning of our Constitution and a basic element of our democracy. 

CCR #1

CCR #2

CCR #3

 CCR #4

CCR #5

CCR #6

CCR #7

CCR #8

CCR #8-1

CCR #8-2

CCR #8-3
Third Amendment

CCR #9


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